To prepare the 65 public-use airports in Virginia for the arrival of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) vehicles, the Virginia Aviation Board (VAB) and the Virginia Department of Aviation (DOAV) are making funding available to support bringing 3-phase electrical power and broadband connectivity to these airports.
“Having 3-phase power and broadband connectivity at all airports in Virginia is vital to the operations of AAM service providers” according to the press release. “Three-phase electric enables providers to recharge the batteries that supply power to the aircraft, and broadband connectivity enables command, control and communication features that enhance the safe operation of these aircraft.
“The Board’s action makes up to USD200,000 available to each airport that is interested in improving its readiness for the launch of AAM services. Under this initiative, eligible projects approved by the VAB during the current calendar year will benefit from a state participation rate of 95 percent, meaning the airport will be responsible for just 5 percent of the project expenditures. (Typically, the DOAV provides up to 80 percent of approved costs of utility-type projects and requires that 20 percent of the cost be borne by the airport owner.)”
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(Image: Virginia Department of Aviation)