According to Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office of the Governor for Policy Planning “the Metropolitan Government has established the “Tokyo Metropolitan Government-Private Council for the Realization of a Revolution in Air Mobility,” which will be the core of concrete and practical discussions and activities in order “to work with various stakeholders to develop take-off and landing sites in the city and create examples of the use of flying cars,” (google translate text)
In a Linkedin post, Yoshinobu Mizukami, a research officer in the SOMPO Institute Plus Inc think tank in Japan outlined the roadmap drawn up by Tokyo city officials for introducing these services. This comprises, in edited form:
- In FY2025, a feasibility study will be conducted to research possible vertiport sites, economic considerations and maintenance bases.
- In the 2025-2027 implementation phase, a consortium will be formed of private sector businesses involved in the development of AAM infrastructure – such as vertiport, UTM, weather information providers.
- In FY2026, limited demonstration flights will be conducted over a few weeks. In FY2027 demonstration flights will take place for a few months in parallel to the type certification and aircraft operator certificate certification of early adopters.
- In the second half of this decade vertiports will be developed near the waterfront and rivers, and demonstration flights and sightseeing flights will be carried out. The metropolitan government will support much of this work. The public sector will provide financial support and locations for private sector projects. The private sector will utilize the assets they own to start operations.
- In the 2030s, a network of vertiports will be developed in various locations, including airports, building rooftops, station buildings, shopping centre parking lots, and remote islands – supported by the Tokyo metropolitan government. After the initial deployment, vertiports will be developed throughout the whole of Tokyo and they will become a common form of transport for citizens, also used in medical and disaster situations.
For more information
(Image: Shutterstock)