Forum Virium Helsinki has started work to coordinate the EUR 3.7 million CITYAM project, which aims to develop the foundations for autonomous urban air mobility projects in Helsinki, Hamburg and Stockholm.
“While urban mobility is slowly but steadily expanding into the air space, societies in the Baltic Sea region are not yet ready for wider-scale deployment. There are challenges to overcome related to regulations, city planning, urban air space management, public officials’ capabilities, public acceptance and policy integration,” according to the project’s website. “CITYAM tackles the challenge of increased urban air mobility potential and focuses on how these new technologies can find their way into traditional urban mobility systems in the most responsible and sustainable way. The project helps cities and citizens to adapt to the future changes and to see the possibilities brought by urban air mobility. CITYAM seeks solutions suitable for increasing urban air mobility in a responsible way that is also acceptable to citizens..
“….Through close transnational cooperation, CITYAM will provide the ingredients and tools for a solid urban air mobility strategy, to adapt city planning practices in relation to landing site and airspace management, and also to scale city-relevant drone operations as part of a multimodal transport system. Increasing public officials’ capabilities, and measuring public acceptance are key to this work.
“CITYAM helps Helsinki to prepare for a possible future where autonomous air mobility will be the norm. The project enhances the city’s rethinking of spatial and transport planning and provides concrete tools for adapting to drones as part of the overall smart mobility system. It shares knowledge of these new drone technologies, options for drone landing spots, tools for stakeholder discussions, and hands-on experience with different air mobility scenarios.”
CITYAM programme details
Funding: Interreg Central Baltic Programme The project is funded by the Interreg Central Baltic Programme.
For more information