According to a new study published today by EA Maven Consultancy “UK Advanced Air Mobility Potential – the Definitive Report” regional air mobility (RAM) routes will have an 8.1 times greater overall economic impact than urban air mobility services, looking at the potential AAM market in 2030 and beyond. For cities and airports, RAM services will generate three times more revenue than UAM.
The main reason for this, according to study authors Jarek Zych and Darrell Swanson, is the greater catchment area of RAM over UAM – with more people prepared to travel further distances for a RAM flight. RAM operations could generate around UKP2.8 billion in revenue by 2035 while UAM operators could generate UKP2.275 by the same date,
The study also examined the total potential market and a more realistic market assessment for 2035, which would represent just 10% of the total UK market.
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