TheMayor.eu, a European news platform, reports today that authorities in Milan have announced the first trial period of the Yape ground delivery drone is about to start. During said trial, the team behind the on-land delivery drone will set out to find the best routes for Yape through the city, as the drone is supposed to navigate the hectic streets of Milan autonomously.
The report goes onto say “At the end of the first phase of testing, the company will let the drones loose and citizens will be able to experience their full benefits.
“One of the most important things for Yape is the fact that it is supposed to be able to do deliveries both indoors and outdoors. Equipped with a balancing wheel, the drone is able to carry up to 10 kilograms for 80 kilometres. Although the system is able to run at great speeds, during the trial phase, the drones’ speed will be limited to 6 kilometres per hour.”
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(Image: Comune di Milano)