Against a background of some recent adverse publicity in the country on drone deliveries, the Australian Government is inviting the public to “have their say on draft guidelines that will help operators and planning authorities integrate drone delivery safely into the community.”
The announcement says “With advances in technology, drone delivery is expected grow in Australia and it is important that this is managed in a safe and nationally consistent manner.
“The drone delivery guidelines step through the regulatory requirements for drone operators and provide guidance for planning authorities to make informed decisions about drone delivery services in their community. They form part of the Infrastructure Planning Framework (the Framework) which will ensure a nationally consistent approach to infrastructure and planning decisions for emerging aviation technologies.
“The Framework will include two components:
“The first component focuses specifically on drone delivery using small to medium sized drones (<25kg).
“The second component will apply to electric vertical take-off and landing, Advanced Air Mobility and heavy lift drones (>25kg).
“The drone delivery guidelines have been developed in close consultation with industry, state, territory and local governments.
“Consultation will be open until Friday 2 December 2022.”
For more information
(Image: Australian Government)