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Former FAA Administrator Billy Nolen to join ZeroAvia as advisor

ZeroAvia has appointed former Federal Aviation Administrator Billy Nolen as a Senior Strategy & Regulatory Advisor to the company. Nolen will work with ZeroAvia’s team to expedite the push towards certification of both its 600kW electric propulsion system and its full hydrogen-electric powertrains.  

“ZeroAvia recently announced a significant regulatory milestone after receiving an FAA G-1 issue paper for its 600kW electric propulsion system,” said the company in a press release. “The company is also working to certify its first full hydrogen-electric powertrain – ZA600 – with the UK CAA.”

ZeroAvia has already extensively tested a prototype of its first ZA600-engine aboard a Dornier 228 aircraft at its UK base. The company has also performed advanced ground tests in the US and UK for the key building block technologies for the ZA2000 system, including cryogenic tanks or LH2 and proprietary high-temperature PEM fuel cell and electric propulsion systems. ZA2000 will support up to 80-seat regional turboprop aircraft such as the ATR72 or the Dash 8 400

Nolen spent more than a quarter of a century with American Airlines, including as a pilot operating narrowbody and wide-body aircraft. His career as a pilot was followed by roles focused on safety with American, Qantas and Westjet, before he joined the FAA, first as associate administrator for safety, before quickly taking on the role of acting administrator.  

Since departing his role at the FAA in June 2023, Nolen has served as Archer Aviation’s Chief Regulatory Affairs Officer and will continue in this role, splitting his time between both of the two aerospace scale-ups.   

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(Image: AAR Corp)

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