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Spanish aviation companies partner to develop a hydrogen airport hub

Airbus, Aena, Air Nostrum, Iberia, Exolum and Repsol have signed a collaboration agreement to study the creation of a hydrogen airport hub in Spain.

“The six companies joined forces to address the main challenges posed by the deployment of hydrogen-powered aviation in the country,” according to an Iberia press release.  “It is the first time that a collaboration project brings together the entire value chain, from primary energy production to hydrogen ground operations, along with two airlines and an entire airport network.

“This collaboration will provide partners with a holistic view of hydrogen-powered aircraft and how it can be integrated into the airport ecosystem. It will not only focus on hydrogen supply and infrastructure, but also on the specific requirements of ground operations at airports. The ultimate goal is to encourage and support the growth of the hydrogen aviation ecosystem in Spain.

“Decarbonisation of the airline sector is a key aim for Airbus and the deployment of hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft with its H2 ecosystem is an essential lever. The aviation industry as a whole must work together to secure the future supply of hydrogen in airports, especially taking into account Spain’s great potential in renewables and low-carbon hydrogen production,” said Javier Arnaldo, Director of Sustainability at Airbus Spain.

Airbus launched the “Hydrogen Hub at Airports” programme to promote the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure in aviation. To date, agreements have been signed with partners and airports in 13 countries, including Germany, Canada, South Korea, Spain, the United States, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Singapore, and Sweden.

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