A summit for first responder drone-operators will take place on October 30 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
The meeting, part of the 2019 Commercial UAV Expo Americas, will be led by remote pilots and UAS programme thought-leaders from public safety agencies across the US.
Proceedings at the Westgate Resort & Casino-based Public Safety Summit will combine traditional panel presentations with a full-day summit meeting and workshop for officials to address key issues facing drone operators and UAS program leaders across the public safety sector.
It will be hosted by DRONERESPONDERS, a non-profit programme supporting public safety UAS research, programme-development, training, and operations, in partnership with Commercial UAV Expo Americas.
“We are excited to partner with Commercial UAV Expo Americas to host this incredible event for public safety UAS,” said Chief Charles Werner (ret.), Director of DRONERESPONERS. “In addition to traditional panel presentations, this year’s new summit event will allow first responders to interact with one another unlike ever before to help solve common issues all agencies are facing with UAS. We have representatives from over 500 agencies and counting who have joined the DRONERESPONDERS program because they need more precise information.”
“We are delighted to expand our program offerings to the public safety sector by partnering with DRONERESPONDERS,” said Lisa Murray, Group Director at Diversified Communications, organizer of Commercial UAV Expo Americas. “As the leading commercial UAS event in North America, we strive to provide the highest quality content to our attendees. DRONERESPONDERS has over 5,000 contacts in public safety hungry for information and actionable insights. Attendees will have the opportunity to attend live demonstrations, see forensic applications, learn from the leaders during two full days of programming, and network with each other. In addition, Commercial UAV Expo Americas has the largest commercial drone exhibit floor in the industry displaying best-in-class solutions from airframes to software, sensors, drones as a service and more. It’s a one-stop show loaded with everything public safety professionals need to get started or advance their drone programs.”
Image: Jeff Hitchcock
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