Estonia, Airbus Helicopters and International SOS report they have signed a cooperation agreement for developing and implementing the LifeSaver Estonia program, a national innovation and investment project, to intensify emergency medicine and the healthcare system in Estonia.
“Airbus Helicopters has developed the LifeSaver program together with the company International SOS to create a comprehensive emergency medicine system,” says Wolfgang Schoder, Vice President of Airbus Helicopters. “Based on long-term experience and extensive knowledge of cooperation with medical service operators, we want to further develop the system in Estonia, using Estonia’s outstanding capabilities in aviation, medicine, and the digital field,” Schoder adds.
“Estonia is contributing to the global aviation sector with innovation,” says Joonas Vänto, Director of Invest Estonia. “Estonia is a great hub for innovation, the solutions developed and tested here will be later available to the whole world.”
“The unmanned and electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft and drones are good examples here,” notes Andres Sutt, the Minister of Entrepreneurship and Information Technology of Estonia. The project will use innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence to create the best possible conditions for both the development and improvement of Estonia’s health care and emergency medicine systems.
One of the project initiators Asso Uibo, Invest Estonia’s Director of Regional Business Development in South Estonia says “Our common ambition is to take a big step forward from flashy individual flight tests and move to a full-scale integration phase, where, for example, eVTOLs and drones are a natural part of the emergency medical service.” According to him, the plan is supported by R&D units related to the universities of Tartu, Tarty University Hospital, and the network of medical institutions in Southern Estonia.
The press release concludes “In practice, it means that the program will evaluate Estonia’s current first aid and emergency medicine system and identify the most important use cases for Estonia. These may include reducing response time, providing essential medical care to low population density areas, or optimizing the overall medical logistics network.”
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(Image: Airbus)