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UK CAA sets up vertiport working group to advise on regulatory vertiport policy making

The UK Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) has determined that a number of Implementing Rules (IR), Approved Means of Compliance (AMC), Guidance Material (GM) and other documents need to be considered to enable safe operations VTOL Capable Aircraft (VCA).

“To assist with this, a working group comprised of stakeholders and representatives from industry is being established to support the CAA policy teams and other subject matter experts tasked with developing policy and regulation pertaining to vertiports established at a location other than an existing licensed or certificated aerodrome. The project comprises four key elements when developing this new style of aerodrome including vertiport design, obstacle limitation surfaces/ volume, visual aids and rescue and firefighting services (RFFS). Other areas of discussions will include vertiport licencing, Safety Management Systems (SMS) and emergency planning/emergency orders.

The Vertiport Stakeholder Working Group (VSWG) will facilitate engagement, discussion, and collaboration between the CAA and industry stakeholders.

The CAA invites stakeholders to register their interest in one (or more) areas:

  • VCA Manufacturers/OEMs,
  • Future VCA operators or other AOC holders, professional pilots, or other service providers and professional associations,
  • Vertiport designers, operators, or other aviation professionals with relevant expertise in aerodrome design, operations, and regulation,
  • Safety experts or other aviation professionals with relevant expertise in aerodrome operations and regulations (including RFFS),
  • Any stakeholder with a legitimate interest in vertiport design and operations, who would like to participate in this rulemaking programme.

“This application process is designed to ensure that the VSWG is comprised of a fair and inclusive balance of stakeholders. The CAA shall invite potential stakeholders to participate in the VSWG based on their individual expertise, experience, and ability to contribute constructively to the objectives of the group. The selection process will apply transparent selection criteria which aim for a balanced representation of stakeholders, ensuring diversity and inclusivity. If we receive large numbers of applications of equal merit that exceed places available, then the decision panel will use applicants’ personal statements to make a final decision.

“The VSWG will only accept applications from individuals, or individuals acting as a representative of their respective organisation(s). We are unable to accept applications from organisations as an entity.”

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