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EUROCAE publishes draft standard on VTOL functional hazard assessments

EUROCAE has announced the availability of the following draft EUROCAE document prepared by EUROCAE WG-112 VTOL: ED-300A: Guidance on Conducting an Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment (AFHA) and Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment (PASA) for a VTOL Using a Generic Example.

The goal is to help the applicant to understand how to start the VTOL-AFHA (Aircraft Functional Hazard Assessment) through to the point where the VTOL-PASA (Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment) is complete and safety objectives are defined for the applicable VTOL aircraft and systems. Previous work presented a partial example of a VTOL AFHA and VTOL PASA for a highly integrated system that accomplishes safety-critical functions; ED-300A covers a full example. All comments must be submitted by 21 April, 2025.

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(Image: Shutterstock)

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