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EUROCAE produces new standard for automated eVTOL ground movement equipment

European standards body EUROCAE has announced the publication of ED-331, a standard which develops guidance providing recommendations for using automated ground movement equipment (GME) to move aircraft certified by, but not limited to, EASA SC VTOL carrying passengers at vertiports and aerodromes.

“This document provides guidance for the safe operation of automated ground movement equipment (GME) for vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) aircraft with passengers onboard at a vertiport,” says EUROCAE. “This document can also be used for the GME operations without passengers as it already considers high level of safety in operations. The content in this document complements the EUROCAE Guidance for Vertiport Operators and Operations (ED-299) and provides a foundation for the subsequent development of technical standards for automated GME.”

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(Image: Shutterstock)

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