
UK GBP3m research grant for Cranfield’s DARTeC aerospace facility, sustainability and autonomy projects

Research England has awarded Cranfield University GBP3.1 million to advance its sustainable aviation research, both into developing low-carbon aircraft, and decarbonising airport logistics. The Net Zero Research Airport project won the funding from the UK […]

Government investment

SESAR 3 JU identifies seven research areas to achieve air-ground integration and autonomy

Europe’s air traffic management airspace modernisation research arm, SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, has released a multiannual work programme from 2022-2031. Two of the nine flagship technological solutions needed to achieve the modernisation and digitalisation of […]

Air taxis and personal transports

Australian government announces AUD32.6 million grant programme to support emerging aviation technology

The Australian government invites applications for grants to explore the application of new aviation technology as part of its AUD32.6 million Emerging Aviation Technology Partnerships Program. The funding aims to accelerate this important sector, which […]


UK Connected Places Catapult launches new AAM research initiative for SMEs

The UK government’s Connected Places Catapult research agency has announced the launch of its new Future of Air Mobility Accelerator, in partnership with the Future Flight Challenge from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). “In partnership with UKRI’s Future Flight Challenge, the […]