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Business Partnerships

GKN Aerospace, Marshall and Parker Aerospace partner to explore liquid hydrogen fuel systems

GKN Aerospace, Marshall, and Parker Aerospace say they are leveraging their capabilities to collaborate under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at exploring liquid hydrogen fuel system solutions for the next generation of zero emission […]


ZeroAvia unveils compressor for aviation fuel cell systems

ZeroAvia today announced that it has developed a high-performance compressor for fuel cell-based aviation propulsion systems, including the company’s first ZA600 hydrogen-electric powertrain. “Hydrogen fuel cells promise to deliver true zero-emission flight by delivering electrification, […]


At Airbus, hydrogen power “gathers pace”

Airbus reports that its aim of getting hydrogen-powered flight off the ground gets closer by the day thanks to progress in the technology building blocks behind ZEROe, the company’s low-carbon emission aircraft concept. Airbus is […]

Business Partnerships

JetPerfect Foundation, ZeroAvia, NASA and California State University to research aviation hydrogen

Dr. Youcef Abdelli, ZeroAvia Chief Technology Officer and Chief Engineer, and Ernest Siravo, Founder/CEO of the JetPerfect Foundation have agreed on behalf of their respective organisations to collaborate with NASA – National Aeronautics and Space […]

Fixed wing low/zero emissions

Paris 2023: ZeroAvia forges path to hydrogen-electric regional jets with MHIRJ

ZeroAvia today announced that it has identified clear applications for hydrogen-electric, zero-emission propulsion for regional jet aircraft. According to the press release “As part of the initial technical study conducted alongside Type Certificate holder MHIRJ […]

Air taxis and personal transports

LuftCar launches crowdfunding campaign

HYSKY Society has announced that LuftCar, an early sponsor of FLYING HY, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on StartEngine. According to the short statement “LuftCar is an innovative air mobility company that manufactures hydrogen eVTOL […]