First responders

CASA approves Swoop Aero’s remote operations centre to support trans-continental missions

Australia’s Civil Aviation and Safety Authority (CASA) has authorised Swoop Aero’s drone logistics centre. The company’s Remote Operations Centre (ROC) now allows the company to remotely pilot up to five aircraft across three continents beyond […]

First responders

U-space Navarra project will coordinate drone, manned flight and ground-based first responders

A regional UTM and management project to coordinate drone flights, manned aircraft operations and ground-based first responder missions has been launched In Navarra, Spain. The ‘U-Space Navarra’ project, promoted by the General Directorate of the […]

First responders

“New breakthrough for first responders to improve communication with drones in emergencies

In disaster zones whether earthquakes, floods, fires, chemical leaks or explosions, First Responders may be unable to identify hazards or locate victims amid damaged buildings or a destroyed environment, reports Unmanned aerial and ground […]