Air taxis and personal transports

NASA adds aeronautics, UTM and infrastructure partners to its AAM National Campaign

NASA reports that 13 companies and one university have signed agreements with NASA’s Advanced Air Mobility project’s National Campaign to continue work towards integrating air taxis, cargo delivery aircraft and other new air vehicle concepts into the national airspace […]

Public consultation

NASA selects Crown Consulting to develop advanced air mobility community integration platform

The US National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) has awarded Crown Consulting a small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract to develop a platform for informing community decision-making about designing advanced air mobility (AAM) systems. The […]

Air taxis and personal transports

EASA announces eVTOL certification expected 2024, clear approval of citizens and key role for local authorities

The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has announced the results of the first European wide study of citizens’ expectations of urban air mobility (UAM), showing overwhelming support for the concept but also the need […]