Indian private aircraft operator JetSetGo has announced a US780 million order for 150 Horizon Aircraft, Electra.aero and Overair advanced air mobility aircraft to connect smaller cities in India. The agreements include an option to add more aircraft, raising the total to 280 valued at more than USD1.3 billion.
According to a Facebook page statement:
“JetSetGo takes its first step to revolutionizing the on-demand regional and private aviation with the air mobility technology. By signing letters of intent with Electra.aero, Horizon Aircraft and Overair JetSetGo is soaring to new heights.”
The deal includes an order worth up to USD 500 million for Horizon eVTOLs https://www.urbanairmobilitynews.com/air-taxis/indias-jetsetgo-orders-up-to-usd500-million-new-horizon-cavorite-x9-evtols/.
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