Horizon Aircraft today released details of research it commissioned which shows venture capital and private equity professionals expect growth in eVTOL orders but that of those interviewed “86% expect the rate at which eVTOL concepts – there are currently around 700 – go defunct over the next three years to increase.”
The study reports “In 2021 there were approximately 6,850 eVTOL orders (firm orders, options and letters of intent) worth around USD26.1 billion, but this new research from Horizon reveals that by 2025, 66% of venture capital and private equity professionals expect the industry’s order book to be over 8,000 for the year. One in six (16%) believe it will be more than 10,000.
“Professional investors expect manned advanced air mobility aircraft to continue to dominate the order books. They accounted for around 80% or orders in 2021, and by 2025, 72% of private equity and venture capital professionals predict them to account for between 80% to 90%. One in five (21%) said they will make up around 80% of orders, and just 4% said it will be less than this.”
The study reports further that investors anticipate a fall in the number of manned advanced air mobility companies by 2025: “While there are currently around 300 of these companies, in three years time 69% of professional investors surveyed said the number will fall. Around 18% think there will be 150 or fewer, and 31% believe there will be between 200 and 250. One in five (20%) anticipate there being between 250 and 300 manned advanced mobility companies.”
Brandon Robinson, CEO of Horizon Aircraft said “Investors will increasingly focus on those aircraft that have the best chance of meeting regulatory requirements and have the potential to be commercially viable.”
* Horizon Aircraft commissioned the market research company PureProfile to survey 100 senior private equity and venture capital professionals to capture their views on their eVTOL market. Respondents were based in the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, China, Hong Kong, Germany, and the UAE. The survey was conducted online in November 2022.
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(Image: Horizon Aircraft)