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Embraer launches hybrid electric and hydrogen electric aircraft concepts

Embraer has revealed new aircraft concepts today as part of the company’s progress report on Energia – Embraer’s initiative to get the aviation industry to net-zero by 2050.

“A year on from Embraer’s Sustainability in Action in event, which detailed the study of four new aircraft concepts powered by new technologies and renewable energies, the company has been focusing on two 19-30 seater designs for hybrid electric and hydrogen electric propulsion,” said a company press release. “Guided by the company’s 50 year technical expertise, external inputs from airlines, and joint studies with engine OEMs, these two approaches to net-zero offer a technically realistic and economically feasible pathway to net-zero.  Energia Hybrid (E19-HE and E30-HE) – revealed as a nine seater in 2021, Embraer is exploring a 19 and a 30 seater variant:

  • parallel hybrid-electric propulsion
  • up to 90% CO2 emissions reduction when using SAF
  • 19 and 30 seat variants
  • rear-mounted engines
  • technology readiness – early 2030’s

Energia H2 Fuel Cell (E19-H2FC and E30-H2FC) – revealed as a 19 seater in 2021, Embraer is exploring a 30 seater variant:

  • hydrogen electric propulsion
  • zero CO2 emissions
  • 19 and 30 seat variants
  • rear-mounted electric engines
  • technology readiness – 2035

“While still at the evaluation phase, the architectures and technologies are being assessed for technical and commercial viability. The Energia Advisory Group has also been launched to harness inputs and collaboration from partner airlines.

“The event ‘Energia – The shape of things to come’, available on Embraer’s YouTube channel, was broadcast live from Amsterdam and Sao Jose dos Campos. As well as presentations from Embraer’s Chief Engineer, and Commercial Aviation CEO, it features a 360° tour of two of the concepts Embraer is focusing on – Energia H2 Fuel Cell and Energia Hybrid Electric.

For more information

(Image: Owner: Eduardo Kui)

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