MONTE Aircraft Leasing (MONTE) has signed a Letter of Intent with Cranfield Aerospace Solutions (CAeS) to purchase 40 modification kits to convert Britten-Norman Islanders to hydrogen-electric power.
According to the press release: “The agreement will bring financing and leasing solutions to sub-regional operators to enable them to adopt zero-emissions aircraft operations. The offering will also include the required infrastructure to support operating the converted aircraft. As a part of the agreement, MONTE will become CAeS’ recommended financing partner and Cranfield will become MONTE’s exclusive electric-hydrogen Britten-Norman Islander provider.
“The combination of CAeS’ thirty three years’ of experience in the design and certification of complex modifications to aircraft, coupled with MONTE’s expert knowledge of the sub-regional aviation market and both companies’ passion for decarbonising aviation, produces a strong and mutually beneficial partnership that will help kickstart the third revolution of aviation.
“The deal represents an important step towards CAeS’ ambition of developing the world’s first fully certified, zero-emissions, hydrogen aircraft, and MONTE’s goal of becoming one of the world’s first zero emission aircraft lessors by 2027.”
For more information
(Image: CAeS)