Swinburne University of Technology’s AIR Hub along with partners Textron Systems Australia, Latrobe City Council and Federation University Australia has announced new AAM trials.
Funded by Australia’s Victoria State Government, Swinburne University of Technology says the “Regional Advanced Air Mobility Surrogate Trials (RAST) are advancing our understanding of flight and community considerations for AAM operations ahead of aircraft arriving in country through surrogate platforms. Learning by doing and a project bringing together a multi-disciplinary team of industry, government, researchers, students and local community.”
“Researchers from Swinburne’s Aerostructures Innovation Research Hub (AIR Hub) are working with Latrobe City Council, Textron Systems Australia (TSA), Federation University and certification organisations such as CASA, to pioneer new technologies in Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) for the region and develop green aviation solutions to address real-world problems.
“These new technologies include Regional Advanced Air Mobility Surrogate Trials (RAST), which will start in Latrobe City from February 2024.
“The Trials will feature a series of 30-60-minute simulated flights from the Latrobe Regional Airport at night-time, to assess the practical applications of drone technology in regional communities, including medical supply deliveries, powerline inspections and logistics.”
For more information
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