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Gohobby announces first test flight of its EHang EH216-S autonomous eVTOL in Brazil

Brazil’s eVTOL and drone operator Gohobby reports it has made the first test flight of an EHang EH-216-S eVTOL.

“After obtaining a CAVE (Experimental Flight Authorization Certificate) from ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency), we worked on an organizing event at Aeroquadra, in the city of Quadra, 80km from São Paulo, to carry out the first test flight of the aircraft in Brazil, in the presence of authorities, aviation representatives, Gohobby partners and the media,” said the company in a press statement.

“In total, approximately 60 people followed this milestone for Gohobby closely during the exclusive event. Two flights were carried out during the morning, the first lasting 6 minutes and the second lasting 3 minutes and 20 seconds, and covering a distance of 1KM and 800M while the second covered 700M, however, following ANAC authorization – without passengers.”

“Since the end of last year, when we brought the EH216-S eVTOL, we have dreamed of the moment when we would finally see the aircraft take off in Brazil. That day has arrived, and I am happy to be part of this historic moment for our country and for the future of urban air mobility,” said Adriano Buzaid, CEO of GoHobby.

According to a survey by MundoGeo, Brazil is the third largest market for eVTOLs in the world, behind only the United States and China, says the company. “Large metropolises such as São Paulo and remote areas with a lack of infrastructure in Brazil will be able to benefit from efficient and sustainable Urban Air Mobility (UAM) services, accessible to all. Gohobby, together with EHang, plan to collaborate closely with ANAC and DECEA (Brazilian Airspace Control Department), for the development of safe and affordable UAM solutions in Brazil, based on the unmanned eVTOL EH216-S.”

“EHang is extremely pleased to have obtained an Experimental Flight Authorization from ANAC for its unmanned eVTOL EH216-S, and to have commenced test flights in Brazil. This will enable EHang to demonstrate the EH216-S’s cutting-edge intelligent flight technology and its management system. We are very much looking forward to a successful collaboration with ANAC, DECEA and Gohobby to make UAM a reality in Brazil soon,” said José Ignacio Rexach, CCO of EHang Europe and Latin America.

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(Image: Nacho, CCO Europe and LATAM, Adriano Buzaid, CEO Gohobby and Victoria Jing Xiang, COO of Ehang in Europe and Latin America – picture, Gohobby)

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