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Eve “to raise funds in next month or so to finance 2026 certification campaign”

Reuters reports that Eve Air Mobility expects to raise funds as early as next month to finance the certification of its eVTOL in 2026.

According to an interview with Chief Executive Johann Bordais, the company has enough cash and borrowing facilities to fund operations through 2025 and forecasts certification and entry into service in 2026.

Eve launched on the New York Stock Exchange in May 2022, raising around USD400 million and later secured an additional USD 92 million facility from Brazilian state development bank BNDES.

According to the report, by the end of the first quarter this year, Eve’s total liquidity stood at USD280 million. It first quarter financial report said net loss in 2023 was USD127.7 million, less than the USD174.0 million the year before.

For more information

Embraer’s Eve to raise funds as soon as July for flying taxi certification (

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