Emerging regulations

Government of Victoria, Australia progress Advanced Air Mobility Action Plan with Consultation

The Victorian Government, Australia has launched today a Consultation of its Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Action Plan to support Victoria’s transition to AAM and other aviation technologies. The statement reads: “We are seeking your feedback […]

Business Partnerships

Airbus, Barclays Sustainable Impact Capital and NEOM co-lead ZeroAvia’s latest financing round

ZeroAvia today announced that Airbus, Barclays Sustainable Impact Capital and NEOM have co-led the company’s latest financing round. Breakthrough Energy Ventures, Horizons Ventures, Alaska Airlines, Ecosystem Integrity Fund, Summa Equity, AP Ventures and Amazon Climate […]

Air taxis and personal transports

SkyDrive receives pre-order of up to 50 eVTOL aircraft from aircraft leasing company Solyu in Korea

SkyDrive, the aircraft manufacturer based in Japan, and Solyu Company, an aircraft leasing company specialising in zero-emission in Korea, announced that they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and Solyu has agreed to pre-order […]