Government investment

UK government gives new funds to regulators to speed hydrogen-power, UTM and drone deployment

UK Science Minister George Freeman has today awarded up to UKP12 million (SD 14 million) to UK regulators and local authorities to pioneer innovative low carbon technologies – including drone, UTM and hydrogen-powered aviation research. […]


Skyports and Corporación América Airports link to develop vertiports in Latin America

Skyports Infrastructure and Corporación América Airports S.A (CAAP) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to plan the development and deployment of vertiport infrastructure for electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) operations. According to a […]


Volocopter “completes 2022 CORUS-XUAM deconfliction urban air mobility trial flights”

Volocopter reports it has completed a two-week test flight campaign for its multirotor heavy-lift cargo carrier, the VoloDrone. The campaign was run at the DLR National Experimental Test Centre for Unmanned Aircraft, Magdeburg-Cochstedt Airport, Germany. […]

Air taxis and personal transports

Airbus details hydrogen fuel-cell research – plans ZEROe flight demonstrations

Airbus and its partners have given more details about their hydrogen fuel-cell propulsion research. Fuel-cells generate electricity very efficiently through an electrochemical reaction, rather than via combustion. They also differ from batteries since they require […]

Business Partnerships

 Vports to create international advanced air mobility corridor between Syracuse, NY and Québec

 VPorts, a Québec-based company active in the design, construction, and operation of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) infrastructure, announced today the creation of an international electric AAM corridor between Syracuse Hancock International Airport (New York, U.S.) […]