Business Partnerships

European Centre of Excellence for Advanced Air Mobility created by Inmarsat with Generalitat de Catalunya 

Inmarsat today released a press report saying that in “a unique, world-first agreement between a company and a commercial airport, the regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya) has joined with Inmarsat’s Velaris Partner Network to […]

Air taxis and personal transports

Archer Maker flight test programme – update

Archer has released a press release as an update on the advances in the Maker eVTOL Flight Test campaign.  The company reports “we recently began flying with our Tilt Propeller System activated. During our flight […]

New city projects

European Commission “chooses Norrköping to become aviation digital innovation hub”

Norrköping Science Park has announced the European Commission has chosen Norrköping as a European digital innovation hub (EDIH), specialising in new aviation technologies. According to the Science Park the financing, which is expected to amount […]